Lost in it...

Sitting, listening in a class,

Fidgety I get.

A sense of restlessness,

I cannot comprehend.

And then I hear a whisper of words,

I take a deep breath and try to focus.

Playing with my children,

I feel my hands twitching,

To pick up the mobile,

And browse Instagram.

And then I hear a whisper of words,

I take a deep breath and try to focus.

Talking to a loved one over the phone,

Listening yet not listening,

I keep thinking,

Of what’s next.

And then I hear a whisper of words,

I take a deep breath and try to focus.

Don’t we all do this?

Physically in a place,

But mentally elsewhere?

Body doing a thing,

While the mind,

Thinking an entirely different thing.

It is here I hear a whisper of words,

Of my Guru nudging me to be,

To be present in the moment,

To be living in the moment,

To be experiencing the moment,

To be aware of the moment.

And I take a deep breath,

Willing my mind back to my body,

Wanting to be aware,

Wanting to be fully there,

To experience life,

Moment after moment, to its fullest.

My desire keeps growing,

Yet my mind keeps wondering,

Taking a deep breath,

I keep practicing,

Hoping and wanting,

To experience the thing.

And then suddenly one day,

Sitting in the class,



I look up to the clock,

To realize two hours have just passed by.

And then suddenly one day,

Cooking my favorite meal,


Mixing and tasting,

I look up to the clock,

To realize one hour has just passed by.

And then suddenly one day,

Sitting in the seat of non-doing,

Closing my eyes,


I open my eyes to realize,

Time has just passed by.

I realized, 

Meditation is not just in the pooja I do,

Or the prayers I say,

Meditation is in everyday activities,

If I am able to give myself fully to it.

My focus, that undivided attention, that devotion, is a meditation.

Get lost in it!


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