Miracles from Heaven
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“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”. A quote by Albert Einstein one of the greatest scientific minds known to humanity. Which one is yours?
It was just another Monday. As the evening stretched by my excitement was soaring high. As I was cooking dinner, I kept peeking at my inbox. As I got the kids ready for night, I kept checking my mail. While I was talking to my loved ones, every notification would make me pause. And finally, it hit my inbox, the much-awaited mail from my mentor, reviewing my last week’s work and giving me new task for the week. Something that always add a fun and growth element into my life. This week the task was to watch a movie and write my experience. I had until Sunday to complete it.
Movies to me are a source of entertainment. My escape from my reality into an idealistic world of happily every after. I was super excited to watch this one, as the title had a word that was very close to my heart, miracle. The day came, and I managed to get the television to myself. Which is an impossible task because of my two baby kangaroos who always like being around. Yet, I managed to achieve the impossible. What happened as I was watching was nothing that could be termed as entertainment. What I was experiencing was one of the most profound, cleansing, introspective, hard yet light, gut crunching yet liberating feeling I have had in a while.
I lived through one of my worst fears in life, understood it better and found a way to manage it. I think for me it all started the moment I became a parent. There is something about becoming a care giver, be it as a parent, friend, relative, pet lover or sibling, it changes something with you. I love being a parent and speak a lot about all the happiness, joy, love and bliss it gives me. But there is one aspect that I rarely talk about or even think about. A nightmare of any parent. To see their child sick, going through pain and having a hard time. The movie hit the nail right to the point.
Maybe it was my pent-up feeling that trickled down as tears as I watched the story unfold. I realized how much of it I had buried and bottled up. I literally lived it through the movie, crying, hoping, enduring and praying. The movie became a trigger for me to vent out my emotions. Don’t we all go through experiences that sometimes trigger us to vent and sometimes trigger us to shun. Shun the thought and push it away. These thoughts that I did not fully face slowly bottle up and become a presence that constantly lurks in the shadow. It has its ways to torment me, by making its eerie presence in my mood in my most vulnerable moments. They keep waiting to feed on our weak moments. It feels like you have hit the rock bottom emotionally. It is hard to fight them when they finally get to you. We go through a series of emotions, stress, panic, anxiety, depression, loneliness until we finally learn to manage them. Experiencing them feels like hitting a rock bottom. And every time we hit the rock bottom the only way to go, is up. With these dark emotions the only way to go about is to believe. Believe that everything in life is a miracle.
Miracle. What is a miracle. Haven’t we all experienced it at least once in our life? We sure do know it exist. We sure are a witness to it. We know it yet we don’t seek it every time. We reserve it for the most difficult situations in our life. When life pushes us to the very edge, we seek it out fervently with all our heart. We do not see them in our daily life. Yet miracles are everywhere. It leaves its traces for all of us to see. It weaves it’s charm on all of us. It never leaves us alone. Yet we do not see it. We do not recognize it. We do not acknowledge or feel grateful for it. We hope against hope for it instead of faithfully believing in it.
Miracle. What is a miracle? May be to many of us someone surviving a near death experience is a miracle. An exam we did not prepare well yet scored very good marks is a miracle. A promotion when we least expected is a miracle. When life rewards us when we least expect. When life blesses us after a long ordeal, we call it a miracle. We place miracle at the highest pedestal. Does it really have to be like that? Do we need to really hit the rock bottom to understand and go up to recognize a miracle?
Miracle. What is a miracle? To me miracle is life’s way of saying I am there. It is God’s way of showing, He is watching over me. Miracles are all the big things of life. When my mother went through an eye surgery and came out healthy, it was a miracle. When I landed myself a job with one of the most reputed companies when I least expected and needed the most, it was a miracle. When I delivered my baby, it was a miracle. Miracles are also in all the small things of life. A call from a loved one when I am thinking about her, a miracle. My laptop getting serviced free of cost outside the warranty period, a miracle. A surprise hug and a cuddle from my little one when I am down, a miracle. A random movie suggestion, that heals something within me, a miracle.
I experienced my moment of liberation when I shifted my focus from those lurking behind shadows to the living reality around me. I started to believe. The spectacles shifted and slowly my eyes started seeing, recognizing and sometimes acknowledging the miracles all around me. I started listening to life’s communication to me. I started experiencing God’s love for me. With each experience, the more I started to believe. With every passing day the more I started to mature.
What started as an entertainment shifted into an enrichment for me, isn’t that a miracle.
Facing my deepest and worst fear, became an experience of finding light, isn’t that a miracle.
What started as a casual read, if it somewhere tugs your heart to believe…. isn’t that a miracle!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Which one do you choose?
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