Magic Beyond Words - JK Rowling's life through my words!

She waved her magic wand and uttered a spell,
Into her magical world, we all fell,
Laughing between tears,
Crying out our fears,
We lived with and cherished the Boy who lived.

Like millions worldwide, Harry Potter was part of my growing years. I had always known the life of its author, JK Rowling, was a magical rags-to-riches story. Recently I watched a movie that depicted her life story, which was profoundly inspiring.

It brought me closer to a forgotten part of me, that of a fearless dreamer. As a child, I used to be an uninhibited dreamer. Being an average student, I dreamt of becoming a chartered accountant. Working for a small firm near my house, I dreamt of becoming part of the top investment banks in the world. Rain fills the size of the vessel. The beliefs we hold determine the direction of our life. My dreams became a reality. But as an adult, somewhere along the way, I became too practical and realistic with my dreams. It was a revelation to me that I had limiting beliefs. How can we attract things into our life when we have never thought about them? The mind has no idea they exist. JK Rowling's life is an example of the power of dreams. No matter the world's opinion or her friends and family, she never stopped believing in her dream. She kept at it until it became a reality. It reconnected me to that forgotten wild dreamer within me.

Tough times never last, but tough people do. Life was highly challenging for JK Rowling. As a child, her father found her dream to become a writer impractical and discouraged it. She carried this as her reality for a very long time. She lost her mother, never had a stable job, endured an abusive marriage, shifted country and became a single mother to an infant. Instead of succumbing to guilt and self-pity, she focused on directing her intelligence productively during all these situations. She kept asking herself, 'What makes me happy?' and worked on it. Harry Potter was an answer to that question, and she found ways to write it while on state assistance and while working a full-time job and caring for an infant. It hit me hard that excuses merely justify our lack of will.

A ship without an anchor in the sea is at the mercy of the winds. Humans that we are, life keeps testing us; we need anchors of faith to keep us rooted and confident. JK Rowling's indomitable strength to sail through all hardships of life came from her anchor, her mother. Right from childhood, her mother never allowed her to think less of herself and always pushed her to go after her passion. When her father was against pursuing writing as a career, her mother became the rock she held. Her mother's unconditional faith in her kept her going during all difficult times. She always believed her mother was watching over her, wishing for her happiness and growth. And this made me realize while chasing dreams and larger-than-life goals, it is human to doubt, fear and feel insecure; during all such times, it is crucial to keep faith. Faith in those who believe in us, in our ability, in an existential force, whatever be the anchor, it is essential to hold on as they motivate us and keep us going. 

Every life born comes with a purpose, an inner calling that keeps nudging and popping its head now and then. Some heed the voice, while many pursue more practical and easier options. JK Rowling ignored hers for as long as possible until one day, she could hold back no more; the rest is history. There is something about life that rewards a courageous heart. She dared to follow her heart and give it her everything despite all the challenges; life rewarded her manifold with success and fame. Pursuing our calling may be an arduous journey with no guaranteed success. But the person we become in the process of following our passion is what makes it worthwhile. JK Rowling says she did not write to become rich; she wrote because she wanted to, which made her happy and fulfilled. Maybe the definition of success is not just about monetary goals but about growing in our own eyes and outgrowing our past.

The movie left with a sense of incomplete fulfilment. I felt fulfilled by JK Rowling's success. But incomplete about the story of my life. I also realized that 'Avada Kedavra' is not the final death curse but the life that dies within us while we are still alive. Keeping the inner voice alive by giving it a chance, chasing those impractical dreams now and then and looking at growth than finding solace are all ways to put life into our days. I realized there is no magic potion or a pill to a successful life but just an attitude and will to dare, believe and take that leap of faith.


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