A laid-back emotion – called?


I am looked down upon,
As a terrible thing,
Children embrace me,
While the adults hate me.
I am always unwelcome,
A disease that people shun away from,
Yet I am part of their lives,
Like the lines on their palms.

Often, I wonder,
Why can’t they just let me be?
Allow their heart to feel me deep,
I have my own purpose,
I am an emotion, 
As much part of human nature,
As any emotion can be.

I lament when people struggle to overcome me,
I don’t take well to fights against me,
The only way to overcome me,
Is to simply surrender to me and 
I in turn will set you free.

Often, I wonder,
What is so bad about me?
Your body is most relaxed,
While with me,
Your mind is most empty,
In my presence. 
Yet you look to disturb me?

I am the calm, before the storm,
I am the dark night, before a bright dawn.
I am the empty canvas, that a painter turns into a masterpiece,
I am the state of mind that precedes all turning points in life.

Accept me,
Trust me,
Embrace me,
Experience me,
I am the seed from which great ideas are born, 
I am the state of mind that takes you into a contemplative space,
I am the emotion that connects you most to yourself.

Simply let me be, and I will shape your thoughts to the ‘T’.
I am boredom. 


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