The journey called parenting...

Eight years ago, parenting came into my life, and my life has been a series of ever-since moments. At thirty years of age, I never thought one experience could change so much about my life, yet it did. My goals, desires, needs, outlook, and wants changed. I often wondered what force brought this transformation within me. 

From the first moment this force touched me, things started changing. Pregnancy, to me, was all about eating the food one likes, doing things one loves and getting pampered by everyone around. But once I became pregnant, I realized it was not all that rosy. The nauseating glucose test, intrusive medical procedures, morning sickness, erratic mood swings, and the anxiety of not knowing what is happening in the womb is not easy to cope with and accept. Yet I took to it like a bee to nectar. What force gave me the strength to endure and look beyond all the discomfort?

Nothing I had read, heard, seen or experienced in life until that point prepared my naïve self for what was coming. Growing up watching Indian movies and listening to all the mothers around me share their experiences about childbirth with pride, excitement and wonderment. I always thought childbirth was a comfortable process. But living through it, I realized it was one of the most physically painful, exhausting, emotionally draining, and challenging life experiences. Yet, it created memories I cherish and treasure forever. What force made me look beyond the excruciating and mind-numbing bodily pain and embrace it not once but twice in my life?

The more I grew with this force, the more confident and empowered I became. I became assertive from a timid workaholic who spent days and nights at work. I became the first senior manager in my department allowed to take up a part-time work arrangement. It was considered an impossible feat for my seniority, yet I made it happen. From an overweight person with borderline gestational diabetes, I became a 10 kg fitter. From the sweet tooth I was, I developed an indomitable will to stay away from sugar and sugar products for an entire year. What is this force that existed only in my womb but brought about so many changes in me?

When my little one was born, the first time I held her in my arms, something deep within me got kindled. Every cell of my being reverberated with intense and overwhelming energy. An emotion I never knew existed within surfaced, breaking all my inhibition and limitations. I never knew I was capable of putting anyone above myself. Yet one cry from her, even in the middle of the night, would put me on my feet. My physically drained, sleep-deprived and exhausted self only cared for her comfort. What force changed my very DNA and filled it with selflessness?

I got created and recreated by this force. It gave me a newfound maturity that became the basis for all my choices and decisions. Ambiguity, a big part of my life, was replaced with clarity. I was no longer a cat on the wall. Professionally, it gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, explore my passion, and follow my dreams. It inspired me to break my limitations and overcome my fears. It gave me much-needed motivation, and I overcame my fear of roads, heights and water. It encouraged me to take up new things and develop new skills. It pushed me daily to aspire and get closer to my better self. What is this force that achieved in a few years what I could not in three decades?

It is the force that brought a father and mother together to create and nurture life. The force made them joyful beyond words on seeing two lines in a testing kit. It is what fired in them a compulsive need to protect the life in their womb and heart with all they have. It is the most potent emotion ever known to humanity, as old as creation. It is called love. 

Parenting is love in its purest form. It is selfless, unrestrained, unconditional and boundless. It is a love that flows without any expectation. It is a love that empowers and creates. This love fueled me with energy, strengthened my resolve, helped me stay steadfast in my beliefs, and empowered me to aspire and create a life I desired and deserved. 

Parenting is an incredible and powerful responsibility of helping and mentoring young souls and aiding our growth. Once we start looking at parenting as a journey of self-discovery and development, our outlook on it changes and raising children with respect and dignity becomes easier. 

Happy parenting! 


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