Hey women,
You are the giver of life,
You are the provider of life,
You are worshipped as Shakthi and the Yin.
Do you recognize this?
As you go about your day?

You are an overflowing fountain of love,
You are empathetic and compassionate,
You are a multirole wonder,
A professional or a homemaker,
You are everything that you are and much more.
Do you recognize this?
As you go about your day?

Hey women,
Do you live in a box?
That the society has defined long back.
Do you live in judgement?
From a world that loves to judge.
Have you ever wondered,
What it would mean to step out of the box,
For once, 
To live a life of your own,
For your happiness,
On your terms,
Without guilt,
For yourself.

Maybe you do.
Maybe you don’t.
Maybe you feel it.
Maybe you ignore it.
Maybe you are caught between the should and the shouldn’t. 

What would it mean to live, not seeking permission?
What would it mean to live without constant guilt?
What would it mean to live beyond the sense of duty?
What would it mean to live, putting yourself first?

Have you ever tried,
To break the shackles holding you back.

Have you ever tried,
To express yourself and be true to your feeling.

Have you ever tried,
To communicate long enough, to live as you desire.

Isn’t living worth fighting for?

Hey women,
Let go,
Own up to who you are, 
Live the life you deserve,
Holding on to your happiness.
It is never too late,
To wake up,
To speak up,
To own up,
You deserve it.
All of it.


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