Oprah Winfrey – Knowing who you are
Not even in my wildest dreams had I ever comprehended this answer to the question, who you are? It was one of the most transforming and inspiring speeches by Oprah Winfrey that I have ever heard. It changed my perspective on life, how I view myself and to what is the purpose of my life.
This question about who you are and what is the purpose of your life has several answers. It is a very personal and subjective question. Each of us responds to it based on our goals, dreams, circumstances, family, history, passion, inner calling etc. Oprah Winfrey gives us comprehensive guidelines on how we can approach it and make the best out of it.
She starts by saying that who we are is not our role in life. A daughter, mother, spouse, friend, husband and father are all roles we play in life. Our designation, the business we run, and the social initiatives we are part of are all positions we hold in society. Who we are, she says, are the children of God. We are spiritual beings with human experiences. The God here is not religious. The God here is that force, that energy, that unknown power beyond everything. It is the source of everything; it is what connects all beings and things. Acknowledging that we are from higher energy meant for higher pursuits and that everything is possible for us is the first step towards our purpose in life.
The next question is, what do we want in life? Many want health, wealth, fame, position and a legacy. While all of these are great, Oprah says, as a spiritual being, “I want to fulfil the highest and truest expression of myself as a human being. I want to fulfil the promise that the creator dreamed when he dreamed the cells that made me.” To follow this path, we need to be in the driver's seat of our life and not now allow life and circumstances to drive us. We need to have a vision and direction to lead our life. Having a vision is paramount. Her words were powerful and left me inspired.
Once we understand who we are and what we want in life, in whatever we do, we need to find a way to serve. In the profession we practice, the occupation we choose, we need to ask ourselves how we can be of service to the community and make a difference in the world. Service opens the door like no other. It gives a greater purpose to life and attracts miraculous possibilities into our life. Oprah says, “When you shift the paradigm of whatever it is you chose to do, to service, and you bring significance to it. Success, I promise, will follow you. Service plus significance equals success.” The mantra to success is to serve and make a difference.
In this path of finding who we are, the fourth most important thing is always to do the right thing. Do the right thing and become excellent in it. Once we make excellence our brand, we become unforgettable. How do we know it is the right thing? It is the right thing when the heart experiences peace even in doubt. Becoming the best in everything we do and doing the right thing leads us to the path of greatness.
We are social beings, and the next most important aspect is to surround ourselves with the people who wish the best for us. People around us should lift us up and not pull us down. They should fill our cup with happiness and not empty it. Relationships are a choice we make; always choose the right ones to travel along.
Finally, the most important thing is to connect to the source less source, the universal energy that we call God. The more and more we grow in this connection with the universal energy, the more and more we attract everything that is life positive into our lives and understand that all things are possible. Our awareness in life deepens, and with it comes this realization that we have a part of the universal energy. All we need to do is stay still and experience the God within us.
Oprah beautifully explains her journey from childhood with God and how she found the space of God within her. She quotes her favourite bible verse, “In God, I move and breathe and have my being.” Her quest in life was to connect to that space called God within, one breath at a time. From it, she grew in grace, wisdom, knowledge and glory and became the spiritual guru she is today.
Knowing who you are and what you want in life. Taking up service in whatever you do and bringing significance to it, surrounding yourself with the right people and being connected to the universal energy. Your awareness of that space called God within and operating out of it leads to a better, happier, prosperous and sweet life. No matter the storm that comes in now and then, you will be anchored on happiness and peace. Oprah concludes by saying, “Open your heart and quietly to yourself say the only prayer that is ever needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are still here. And you get another chance this day. To do better and be better. Another chance to become more of who you were created and what you were created to fulfil. Thank you.”
My biggest realisation is that life is about moving towards a vision and growing one day at a time. Becoming the better and higher self, we are meant to be. It is about receiving and living each day in the best way possible with a grateful heart and whispering a thank you to that energy that continues to guide us as a life force from within, gifting us life in every single moment.
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