The night I met you…

There in the night,
A very dark night,
Under the dim twinkling stars,
In grass moist with dew,
I met you for the very first time…

You descended on me,
With a force so intense,
I stood there numb, yet spellbound,
I stood still, yet jubilant inside. 
Comprehending the unfolding of my feeling…

Was it delight?
Was it love?
Was it joy?
Was it happiness?
Was it bliss?

I tried to name you,
You seemed like all of it,
Yet much more,
You felt like all of it,
Yet much deeper.

As I was still figuring you out,
Going through all of the emotions,
Yet none,
There settled in a calmness, within,
Nothing like I have ever felt before.

It gave me new eyes,
It created a new understanding,
It gave me new perceptions,
It created a new reality,
It created a new me.

A new me, that decided to seek you in everything,
A new me, that resolved to hold you above everything.
A new me, that realised the futility of pursuing anything but you,
A new me, that embraced you with open arms.
A new me, that finally met and understood you.

What is the beauty of nature, to a blind eye?
What is the sound of music, to a deaf ear?
What is the power of faith, to an atheist?
What is the joy of living?
Without you beside…

You are the one we all seek,
Knowingly and unknowingly,
You are the one that completes us,
You are the one that defines us,
You are the goal of all our goals in life.


To feel that peace,
To experience the quietude,
To feel the calmness,
To finally just be, 
Content, satisfied, happy with oneself,


The end we seek,
Not realising until the very last,
Until it finally is,
That all that mattered was for us to be peaceful.
To just feel one with oneself, in peace.


The one we seek, 
Is all around us,
All it takes is one decision,
To live our life, 
Anchored to holding it above everything…



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