My first experience with peace

Mother an emotion that always touches our heart. Mother a person who is a silent, constant, loving and caring support in our life. Mother whose trust in us is so whole that sometimes we wonder how she sees something in us that we are unable to see, comprehend or believe ourselves. Mother a well-wisher like no one can ever be. Mother selfless like no one can ever or will ever be. Mother always holding us in the protective bosom of her love. Mother who always seeks to protect us. Mother who always wants only the best for us. Mother… who gave up her likes, gave up her freedom, gave up her sleep, gave up many things to be there for us, to take care of us…

Every morning I found my peace in her chanting of morning prayer. Every afternoon I found my peace in her loving hand as she served me my afternoon meal. Every evening I found my peace in her voice as she taught me and helped me finish my schoolwork. Every night I found my peace in her hands that would hold me tight as I would doze off into my world of beautiful dreams.

My very first experience of peace is with my mother. In her arms, in her lap, in her hug, in her words, in her presence… no worry would seem big, no problem was unsolvable, no feeling could bog me down… just her presence, talking to her, crying to her, laughing with her… this feeling that she was there for me always, any day, anytime, no matter my faults, no matter my vices was my greatest strength… that gave me deepest peace. 


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