I love me, because…


There in my sleep,
I was awakened by a dream,
A dream in which I asked myself,
Do you love me?

What a silly question, I said.
Of course, I love you!
Now, you go back to sleep.
I brushed it aside, ready for a deep slumber.

But this dream me, persisted.
It asked, why do you love me?
I replied, why does anyone love?
Because they like.

Oh, said the me,
You love me because you like me?
Ah, but what about the times,
When I am angry, do you still love me?

What about the times when I am sad?
Do you still love me?
What about the times when I am reckless?
Feeling guilty and pity, do you still love me?

What about the time when I feel insecure?
Do you still love me?
What about the times when I did a wrong?
Do you still love me?

Ah, why this sudden inquisitiveness,
Why this sudden urge to know, I wondered?
I looked at this dream me with a smile,
My heart overflowing, I said.

I love you not because you are loving.
I love you even when you are angry.
I love you not because you are happy.
I love you even when you are sad.

I love you not because you are aspiring.
I love you even when you are lazy.
I love you not because you are confident.
I love you even when you are doubtful about yourself.

I love you… not because of anything.
I love you, in spite of everything.
I love you because it is me.
I love you because it feels right.

It feels right to kiss happy morning,
To the beautiful face I see in the mirror.
It feels right to give a pat on the back,
For all the marvelous work done in a day.

It feels right to do a happy dance,
To celebrate every small success,
It feels right to cajole while the tear falls.
For I know how much it means and how hard is the try.

It feels right to feel for you, 
Aren’t you the me?
In this unfathomable universe,
You were created, as me.

A human being, so unique, as one of our kind.
You are a masterpiece, the master’s piece.
You are infinite, you are abundant.
You are divine.

You are my search,
You are my quest,
You are my purpose,
You are my life.

You carry me.
You define me.
You hold me deep within.
You are what I am meant to be.

It is through you I experience this magic called life.
It is with you that I discover this mystery called me.
It is together we explore and delve into the unknown,
Of self-discovery, self-exploration and self-realization. 

You are the only one, who travels with me, 
Through the ups and downs, of this life, 
Holding me, carrying me, loving me,
Until the very end, the very last breath of this life.

To love you is to love this life.
To love you is to love this world.
To love you is to love the creator.
To love you is to love the very essence of existence.

I love you, 
you are existence, 
you are me.


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