An inspiring experience from my life

As a young adult, I was shy and introverted. I always lived in my comfort zone. I explored the world from the safety of my home or my uncle’s office. I was a pampered child and had never stayed alone. I had no idea about things as trivial as how to make chai, wash clothes, and important things like managing money or investing for future. Everything was taken care for me. The only aspiration that I had was to become financially independent. It was a dream my mother always encouraged me to pursue. My goal was to join my friend who was working with a reputed MNC and continue this life of living in my comfort zone.
Little did I know how drastically my life was going to change. I could not crack the interview in the company I wanted. My next best offer was with a reputed investment bank, but in a different city. That night was a long night of deliberation and after a lot of thought my parents finally agreed and I was going to move to a different city.
I had very little idea about what I was getting into. Finding a place to live, waking up on my own, getting ready without help, eating food I was not used to, doing laundry and keeping things clean was a herculean task. New job, new people and new environment, managing and learning to deal with my emotions was the toughest. It is at this point; I am so glad I did not give up, I kept going.
In the garden city of India, a metamorphosis started. A caterpillar slowly transformed into a butterfly. My journey towards independence and self-discovery began. It led me to places I am so grateful to have been. It introduced me to different people and gave me experiences I would cherish for a lifetime. It introduced me to a whole new me. It taught me one of my greatest lessons, my life is my responsibility. It is also one of the most inspiring experience of my life.
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