Miracles from Heaven

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”. A quote by Albert Einstein one of the greatest scientific minds known to humanity. Which one is yours? It was just another Monday. As the evening stretched by my excitement was soaring high. As I was cooking dinner, I kept peeking at my inbox. As I got the kids ready for night, I kept checking my mail. While I was talking to my loved ones, every notification would make me pause. And finally, it hit my inbox, the much-awaited mail from my mentor, reviewing my last week’s work and giving me new task for the week. Something that always add a fun and growth element into my life. This week the task was to watch a movie and write my experience. I had until Sunday to complete it. Movies to me are a source of entertainment. My escape from my reality into an idealistic world of happily every after. I was super excited to watch this one, as the title had a wor...