What is holding you back?

Looking at that amazing set, You dream and fret, You sigh, scroll away in regret. Woman, what is holding you back? Seeing many women out there, Wearing their best and shining above the rest, You wonder, how I wish I too were there, Woman, what is holding you back? Maybe you had an illustrious start, Along the way, life played its part, Yet the yearning inside still burning bright, Woman, what is holding you back? For all the dreams you had, Some fulfilled, many unfulfilled, In the silent chambers regretfully you reminisce, Woman, what is holding you back? You are brought up to believe many things, And take up many roles at the cost of your things, But you have paused, realized yet hesitant to act, Woman, what is holding you back? Is it the society? Is it the family? Is it your loved one? Woman, what is holding you back? You know the power you hold, You are the nurturer of this world, Yet you succumb to doubt and fear, Woman, what is holding you back? Why do you believe what the wo...