Dry leaf...

I am a dry leaf. I will be tossed by the wind, scorched by the sun, drenched by the rain, but I will flow, for I am a dry leaf… which sings to the music of the world, which dances to the tunes of nature, for I am a dry leaf... as light as a feather or even lighter! I am a dry leaf… playing to the tunes of the creator, dancing to the beat of life, flying at times, rolling at times, caught in the mischief of the wind! Ah!! I am a dry leaf… I have no tension, no sorrows, no stress, no problems, no challenges, no depressions, no worries, no anxiety, no questions, about tomorrow, about yesterday, about present, about past, about future, about people, about anything, about everything, about nothing, about myself, about life. I don’t think.. I don’t have to… I am taken care... Hugged by the air.. kissed by the dew drops… caressed by mother earth… Oh! How much I am loved by all for, I am a dry leaf!...